Concept: Guillaume Marie & Jonathan Capdeviell
Performers: Jonathan Capdevielle, Gael Depauw,
Guillaume Marie, Jo, William, Lorenzo, Vince,
Rémy and Mahé
Coordination bikers: Gérard Muller
Costumes: Lénaig Hunault & Cédrick Debeuf
Production: Le Palais de Tokyo, Paris (FR)
Sponsor: BMS
Photos by Gisèle Vienne & Cédrick Debeuf
Performed at Palais de Tokyo, Paris (F) on September 14th 2006
During a tour de force, riders, machines and choreographers meet.
From what could be a news item, reality takes a turn toward a fantasy realm and help us to remember that death is less cruel than the fear of death*.
“Morsque minus poenae quam mora mortis habet.”